Fiber Optic Bricks

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Fiber Optic Bricks
Originally seen as the 1 of 1 for March's drop, Fiber Optic Bricks quickly became one of our most popular models. By overwhelming demand, Worry Bricks will open orders for a short time for this specialty product. 
To keep the 1 of 1 sacred, we will be offering two new fiber optic colors in place of the original red. These are real fiber optic cables installed by hand into each brick! They shine bright and vivid even in low-light conditions. Bricks will be white, like the 1 of 1s.
Watch a demonstration here.
Due to the extreme nature of this product's build quality and premium materials required, this is a made-to-order product. Expect 3-4 weeks for order fulfillment.
Manufactured in the USA out of chip/scratch-resistant plastic.